Aircraft Operator Query

Contains the full FAA database of aircraft operators operating under FAR Parts: Sky Crane
91 General Aviation
121 Domestic, Flag and Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators of Large Aircraft
125 US Civil Airplanes, seating 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity 6,000 pounds or more
129 Foreign Air Carrier and Foreign Operators of US registered aircraft engaged in common carriage
133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
135 Air Taxi Operators and Commercial Operators
137 Agricultural Aircraft Operations
141 Flight Schools
142 Training Centers
145 Repair Stations
147 Avaition Maintenance Technicians Schools
183 Representatives of the Administrator

See the related Aircraft Dealer Query for current and expired FAA licensed aircraft dealers, plus renewal history.

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General help and hints are available if you are not getting the results you wanted on the Air Operator report. Help is also provided for a Data Item when it is displayed as a link.

Data Item Criteria Value(s)
Operator name
FAR part
Certificate number
Certificate issue date From
Certificate status date From
Certificate expiration date From
Total all employees
Principal employee name
Principal title
Principal address
Principal city
Principal state
Principal postal (zip) code
Principal country
Principal phone
Aircraft operated

General Help

If more than one record is returned, a summary screen will be displayed with data selected. Pressing the "Details" button on that screen will display details for each row. Depending on the criteria used, it could take as much as 2 minutes to return the results of the query. For best results, start with the fewest values and broadest criteria (for instance "contains" instead of "equals").
Hints to get results
Criteria values restrict the results to match all the values entered.
All data is returned when no criteria values are used.
If there are too many results, enter more criteria.
If there are not enough results use only one criteria value, use "contains" with a minimum number of characters or use broad ranges until results are returned.
Spelling, punctuation, and spaces can be inconsistant in any text such as names, addresses, serial numbers, etc.

One and only one may be chosen per data item and take effect if any entries are made into the "value(s)" column. Comparisons are not case sensitive and the data item need not be selected for display to be used as criteria. The selections are:
Equal (default)
Exactly matches the specified value. Multiple values, separated by a comma, may be entered.
Not Equal
Does not match the specified value. One and only value may be entered.
Equal or Less
Matches the specified value and any values less than that entered. One and only value may be entered.
Equal or More
Matches the specified value and any values more than that entered. One and only value may be entered.
Equal to or greater than and equal to or less than the specified values (two are required).
Starts With
Matches all items that start with this value. One and only value may be entered.
Matches all items that contain this value. One and only value may be entered.

Dates can be entered in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
Are not case sensitive.
Can be drop down list boxes or entered values.
Multiple values can be selected in drop down list boxes using the "control" or "shift" keys.
Values in drop down list boxes can be de-selected by click on the value while pressing the "control" key.
If more than one value is entered, separated them with a comma (stuff,more stuff).

Data Item Help

Operator name
Company or business name.
Always displayed and cannot be deselected.
Output is sorted by this column.

Principal employee name
This is the name of president, CEO, owner, etc.
The field is a concatenation of the last and then the first name separated by a comma.
Use the "starts with" criteria if searching by only the last name.

Principal address
This is the address of the principal (see above) and is usually the business address

Principal phone
Usually a ten character number, with the first 3 characters being the area code.
Use "starts with" to search by area code.

Aircraft operated
Contains the aircraft manufacturer name, aircraft model, and number of aircraft for each type of aircraft operated, one line per aircraft.
Aircraft manufacturer name is abbreviated to six characters.
Use "starts with" or "contains" to select by manufacturer.

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